retro1961 - Chatting
The Essentials
Last Seen: Chatting
Joined: Jun 16, 2015
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Location: Marion, IN, US
Relationship Status: It's complicated
Interested In: Men
HIV Status: Negative
Height: 6 ft. 3 in. /190.50 cm.
Weight: 245 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
Bear Extraordinaire.....No Pics no chat.....simple.....I am an Alpha Bear I have one man in my life permanently (my husband) could easily add a second. My precious BF died July 2020 from a heart issue.. Mild to Leather and I always top if ass play is involved and Fuck like I mean it. I am an artist who is soon to start a cross country adventure. I'd love for you to pose for me! Become my slave and model. Smooth only- I have enough fur for
Religion: Quaker...nominal
Political Views: Centrist that leans left
Favorite Quotes: Most will tolerate those with shabby ideals and great clothing but not those who have the highest ideals and shabby clothing.
The world is my oyster and I am the pearl of great price. Everyone knows that a pearl is nothing but an irritation in the gut of the oyster right.
Arts & Entertainment
Books: John Steinbeck, Kipling, Tolkien, Morrison, Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman and a host of other authors.
Movies: I enjoy many classics. I still love Godzilla from when I was a child - My comfort junk movie series.
Television: People still watch watch one program "General Hospital"
Music: Too many to mention basically anything but cRap music and Hip Hop.
Games: I enjoy bridge, chess, and bed checkers(King Me)
Favorite Teams: Pittsburgh Pirates, Steelers, and Penquins
Activites & Interests
Interests: ART! All things are art. However, all things are not desirable as such.
Activities: Doing my art. Enjoying the fun of exploring and discovering new men sexually and intensely intimately psychologically. And yeah I can hypnotize