bodybysergei - Online
The Essentials
Last Seen: Online
Joined: Feb 24, 2013
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Men
About Me
Used to frequent the muscle room on; unfortunately I've lost contact with the guys I chatted with there. This is the only site I chat on now. If I'm logged on here I'm usually willing to chat, but please have something to say. Not into sexual chat, cyber, or phone, and i"m not looking for a bf/partner or to hook up. I used to frequent the Intellectuals Room on this site, but unfortunately that room is pretty much dead now. If you pvt me and I don't respond it probably means I am away from the site (or from the computer). Please don't send a friend request if we have not chatted - it will be declined. My pic is really old; I should upload a more recent one and will get around to that eventually.

Subjects I enjoy chatting about: politics (progressive democrat), history, travel, languages, books, ideas, current events/international relations. Things I don't enjoy chatting about: tv shows (don't watch except for occasional pbs show, and i don't have cable or satellite); movies (never go), popular music (only listen to radio in car, and have no idea who the popular singers/musicians are these days); sports (absolutely no interest); pets (don't have and don't particularly like).

(Updated 11/24.)
Education & Work
Education: B.A. Economics and Russian, M.A. Russian Studies, J.D.
Employer: Now retired; previously did various jobs in legal field and computer programming/testing/tech writing.
College/University: Stanford (B.A./M.A.), UC Berkeley (J.D.)
Religion: Jewish
Political Views: Progressive, democrat (by default - not particularly impressed by Democratic party generally)
Favorite Quotes: 'The best cure for belief in democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.' (Winston Churchill) 'A lie will go twice around the world while the truth is still tying its shoelaces.' (Many variations/attributions, often to Mark Twain) 'Tonight I feel like a million - but please, one at a time.' (Mae West) 'If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor would make a nice living.' (Yiddish saying)
Arts & Entertainment
Books: Mostly history/biography.
Movies: Haven't seen a movie in years.
Television: Some British series on PBS: Foyle's War, Downton Abbey, some others.
Music: Don't listen much, but I enjoy most genres except rap, country/western and jazz (instant headache)
Games: Freecell, Spider Solitaire and Minesweeper (free on computer/web).

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